Easter Weekend Project

Operation Northern Comfort was asked by a case worker to take a look at a ramp at a Bridgeport residence. Tim had suffered severe injuries in a motor vehicle accident and confined to a wheelchair, with only the use of his hands and arms. The ramp had no safety railing and had deteriorated from the winter weather. Attached to the front porch was a large deck, but a step down to it, prevented Tim’s access to the deck. Our Project Manager, Rick, designed a replacement ramp and a floor buildup on the deck. A large turnout of volunteers on Easter Saturday, under gray skies, and on wet muddy conditions, went to work. At the end of a long workday, the project was completed. Happily, Tim was able to roll out on the new porch floor and follow the activities.

Another workday will be scheduled to make interior renovations to Tim’s bathroom. Removal of a wall and other modifications will afford more room to maneuver his wheelchair.