It’s OK to say no

One of the major parts of my job at Operation Northern Comfort is asking people for things: their advice, their time, their money.  I’ve been doing this for many years, and over time, it’s become easier.

Asking someone for anything can be tough, and it was for me – until I realized that I was not asking for myself – I was asking for someone in need.  That realization was key and I felt myself becoming a little more positive and forceful in my requests.

The down side of being more forceful is that the force translates to the person being asked – sometimes negatively.  I need to be careful about that.

Before a person says no, there tends to be a pause.  I always anticipate the no, but I’m not always right – often it’s a yes, sometimes surprisingly – and that’s great.

But – it’s OK to say no. Sometimes the time’s not right; someone may be struggling financially; sometimes her plate might be full.  I try to and hope that I respect the no.

So – if someone from Operation Northern Comfort asks you for something, you’re most certainly free to say no.

And – THANK YOU for the countless times you have said YES!!